Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Narrative Text

A triptoIndonesianMalaysia borders

        After thefinal examfew years agowhenI was agrade 3high school.Iwentvacation toIndonesia-Malaysia bordersin the districtSajingan.Iwent withmyschoolfriends .Wewentaround 6am, the trip takes 3hoursthere. Irodebothwithfitrimy classmates. Besides preparingsupplieswealsoprepareourvehiclesso as not totroubledown the roadbecausethe roadtherethrough thewoodsnoresidentis alsohillyandrocky.

        In theway we stoppedat thetop ofa hill, on theside ofthehillthere isa beautifulstretch offorestis stillgreenandveryfresh. Wesat onalargerockoneofmy friendstookourcameraand took a photo, my heartwasveryhappywetook outthe supplieswehadbroughtandeatenimmediately. Finished our mealfeltthirsty, Iwaslooking forwaterin my bag. But unfortunately, Iforgot tobringwater. IrememberafterI found Iwaspreparingitbutnotenter
itinto the bagbecausemy friendorderedquickly. Iwasconfused, I sawmyfriendsallhadtheirdrinkingwaterandusethe rest forwipinghandsaftereatingdue.

       Oneofmy friends
she is fitriaskedwhyIlooked confused, Iwas toldthe incidentto her. Wewere immediatelylaughed atmy ignorance. Our otherfriendaskedwhat happened toboth of us. Iwaswhisperingso as nottoFitri did not tellthem .Finallyfitrigave me waterthe remaininginthebag, Iwasfeeling morerefreshedandimmediatelywashmyhands. After a short restwecontinued our journey. Thistripis veryfunny to mealsoteachesmeto be meticulouswithitemsthatwill be takenon the wayto not happenagain.

Written by
Name    : Dwi wulandari
Class      : A Afternoon
Nim        : 521200236

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