Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Exposition Text


Facebook is something that in needing in internet where in facebook we can find to challange discussion directly in front/ahead of face. However in that facebook there is order which necessary for having facebook. For example like each other challange existing situation Facebook is top-drawer matter to express. Something that make us sometimes can laugh or can be sorrowful, because in influencing by status and always needing to coment for my friends.
Ability of facebook is everything which can assist us to communicate like us in outside state like in the Brunei state, Malaysia, Pilipina and others state. But Facebook has a weakness also, like there no error or sinyal. But facebook a lot of its benefit because can assist for its substitution from a sms. I very agree with the existence of facebook because a lot of experience which I experience of in facebook to form a is assorted of photo or picture.
To make the thing complete, Facebook is a social network service which can make personal profile photo even can many friendship and can coment one another pride in facebook that is can designate various photo to our facebook friends. My suggestion is don't have underestimated something else though there is facebook, because facebook can make lazy us at other work sometimes we can stres cause in influencing assorted in facebook, may be this enough from exposition about facebook.



A afternoon

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