Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Narrative Text

Kura Kura Beach

           On October, saturday morning, my friends and I went to Kura Kura Beach in Singkawang city, West Borneo to do some holiday in our free class. At first, we went to the beach and swim, there are has so many things that so adorable like clean water and the blues colors of water, enough to make us fell in love with that place. That’s so awesome for us, because we were not easy to getting tired and just feels happy all the time. We spent our time to swim like for trhee hours till we get tired and feels hungry.
            Then, we moved on to the sand and brings a plaited mat and food stuff that we bring from our house. But before that we change our clothes first obviously. After that we spent our time there, at the same time we do some lunch, sang together, played a guitar, laughs of funny things, looking for some flowers and sea shell, having fun and others. We thinks like this is the best time to us to refreshed our brain of so many problem and university assignment that make us become crazy.
            Finally, we were getting tired so we decided to rest for a while. At the same time we all take a picture and hunting a place for take a picture. Then my friends ask me to waiting and see a beautiful sunset there before we go home. I just can’t wait to see it because in Pontianak doesn’t have any beach, so we infrequently to see a sunset there. After that we getting ready to back home, that’s so much fun holiday that I ever had with my friends, I believe that we never forget with this incredible holiday.

By : Uray Gita Febriana
NIM : 521200101

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