Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Definition Text

Electronic Mail

                Nowadays, an e-mail it is so important for people around the world. An e-mail used to easier communication distance between one country and other country. E-mail or Electronic mail usually used to make facebook, twitter, you tube, blog and etc. Without email e-mail we cannot make social media.  Social media is important for people to search news, share experience, share story and expression feelings. E-mail also give disadvantages to teens because much of them used to bad things like hacker and there are so many crime have done.
               Beside of the crime there are people wrong in used social media like posting things useless and judge someone, religion, etnic, culture, and nations. The thing like that definitely will give an enmity between one person and the other person. There is more the wrong in used social media like more expression feelings. All of the activity posting to internet and usually also said the bad thing about the enemy to be a tweet, and the other. This thing will give fight between them and break much mean from social media.
              With e-mail we also can use internet. In internet available kinds game and can play, although in a far place. So that’s why, children like play used internet but game can make addiction for children. Children used internet for game and teens used internet for social medial. Both of that can make addiction. Internet have advantages and disadvantages for people because they don’t use that for what is the necessity . So, use the social media like twitter, facebook, you tube and other social media that with necessary.                                               

Written by :

Name : Dwinta Erfani
Class   : A Afternoon
NIm    : 521200069

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